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As you age, your teeth are going to be put through a variety of damaging circumstances. Even those who take care of their teeth routinely may find later in life that their teeth are no longer in the shape they once were.  And for those who don’t maintain proper oral hygiene that time could come even sooner in life. In either case, there may be no other choice but to require dentures.

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Depending on the severity of the oral issues that an individual has, this will greatly determine what type of dentures they will need.
There are two options for complete dentures. The first option is known as conventional dentures. These are made to be placed in the mouth of a patient who has had their teeth recently removed. Conventional dentures can be removed and they are typically the teeth that a person uses for the first eight to twelve weeks as they adjust to a new set of dentures.
The other option for complete dentures is immediate dentures. These types of dentures are made in advance before a person has lost all of their teeth. This is beneficial so that when the time comes that the person no longer has all of their teeth, there will be no overlap in time when they are without teeth. Instead, they can see their dentist and have this particular type of denture placed into their mouths almost immediately after they lose their teeth.
In the case of some patients, complete dentures may not be fully necessary. This often happens in the event that a patient still has some teeth that are healthy and should not be removed. If this is the case, then partial dentures can be made to fill in the teeth that are missing. In order to make these dentures stay in place, a bridge is affixed inside the mouth permanently, so the dentures will remain there without any lasting issues. Partial dentures not only allow people to have a mouth full of teeth once again, but they also are placed in a way that will stop other teeth from shifting around in your mouth.

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Typically dentures are only needed later in life. As to the extent when this might happen, that is what varies greatly.
For those that take care of their teeth with preventative dentistry, they can likely hold off the need for dentures for quite some time. Proper brushing and flossing will help your teeth break up plaque and other types of debris around your teeth. It is this bacteria that builds up around your teeth that causes issues to occur in your gums, which may soon result in you needing to get dentures.
However, for those who do not take care of their teeth throughout their life, the need for dentures may happen much earlier than they would like. This is especially true if these individuals do not take the necessary precautions to fix their oral health.
In any event, someone should consider dentures when they no longer see any other oral dentistry methods to be possible. For someone who simply has teeth that are too damaged or need to immediately be pulled, the only option is likely to be getting dentures. And while bridges may work for some people who have a few missing teeth,  those that are missing majority of their natural teeth may find that partial dentures are the only way to get a complete looking smile once again.

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Hearing that you have to get dentures may not sound very appealing at first. However, there are many benefits that come from dentures that will make patients be able to live normally again.
First, individuals who are missing teeth in their mouth will likely notice that their face droops and their lips sag in. This is because you have no teeth to act as a barrier of support for your facial features. Instead, adding a set of dentures will alleviate this issue and give you the internal support that you need inside of your mouth. Not having natural teeth can also lead to deteriorating gum health, as they will continually rub against each other rather than have a set of teeth to offset that pressure.
Another issue for people who are missing teeth is that they often have a hard time eating food and being able to enjoy it completely. Instead, they often have to eat larger chunks, which can lead to the risk of gagging or choking. Instead, dentures allow patients to completely chew, taste and eat their food like they could when they had a full set of teeth.
Lastly, having a set of dentures in place will likely improve your speech and ability to talk with people. Those that do not have teeth likely will notice that they have a lisp or have a hard time accentuating the full tone of words. Furthermore, people with dentures often feel embarrassed to speak, as they think the other person will likely be staring at their teeth rather than listening to what they are saying. With a set of dentures, not only will you have more self-esteem and be able to feel confident again, but you’ll also be able to speak more clearly.

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Dr. Keith Nguyen, DDs, knows how important your smile is. No matter what age you are or why you lost your teeth, it can be embarrassing when the time comes. That is why Dr. Nguyen takes diligent care to help each of his patients with the treatment option that is best for them.

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